Toy dataset

We used here an artificial toy dataset composed of 3 sets of points with 2D random coordinates around an arbitrary center.

To go through this example, you need to install AutoClassWrapper:

$ python3 -m pip install autoclasswrapper

AutoClass C also needs to be installed locally and available in path.

Here is a quick solution for a Linux Bash shell:

tar zxvf autoclass-c-3-3-6.tar.gz
rm -f autoclass-c-3-3-6.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/autoclass-c

# if you use a 64-bit operating system,
# you also need to install the standard 32-bit C libraries:
# sudo apt-get install -y libc6-i386
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import time

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

%matplotlib inline

print("Python:", sys.version)
print("matplotlib:", matplotlib.__version__)
print("numpy:", np.__version__)
print("pandas:", pd.__version__)

import autoclasswrapper as wrapper
print("AutoClassWrapper:", wrapper.__version__)

version = sys.version_info
if not ((version.major >= 3) and (version.minor >= 6)):
    sys.exit("Need Python>=3.6")
Python: 3.7.1 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Feb 26 2019, 04:48:14)
[GCC 7.3.0]
matplotlib: 3.0.3
numpy: 1.16.2
pandas: 0.24.1
AutoClassWrapper: 1.4.1

Dataset generation

size = 100
sigma = 0.6
x = np.concatenate((np.random.normal(3, sigma, size), np.random.normal(4, sigma, size), np.random.normal(6, sigma, size)))
y = np.concatenate((np.random.normal(4, sigma, size), np.random.normal(0, sigma, size), np.random.normal(5, sigma, size)))
color = ["blue"]*size+["orange"]*size+["purple"]*size
name = ["id{:03d}".format(id) for id in range(size*3)]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"x":x, "y":y, "color":color})
df.index = name = "name"
x y color
id000 4.268207 4.857065 blue
id001 3.079047 3.985566 blue
id002 3.704671 4.374195 blue
id003 2.681800 3.745056 blue
id004 3.012738 3.704896 blue
plt.scatter(df["x"], df["y"], color=df["color"], s=10)
plt.xlim(0, 10)
plt.ylim(-5, 10);
# verify all x are > 0
assert min(df["x"]) > 0

Save x and y in 2 different files (that will be later merged)

df["x"].to_csv("demo_real_scalar.tsv", sep="\t", header=True)
df["y"].to_csv("demo_real_location.tsv", sep="\t", header=True)

Step 1 - prepare input files

AutoClass C can handle different types of data:

  • real scalar: numerical values bounded by 0. Examples: length, weight, age…

  • real location: numerical values, positive and negative. Examples: position, microarray log ratio, elevation…

  • discrete: qualitative data. Examples: color, phenotype, name…

Each data type must be entered in separate input file.

AutoClass C handles very well missing data. Missing data must be represented by nothing (no NA, ?, None…)

# Create object to prepare dataset.
clust = wrapper.Input()

# Load datasets from tsv files.
clust.add_input_data("demo_real_scalar.tsv", "real scalar")
clust.add_input_data("demo_real_location.tsv", "real location")

# Prepare input data:
# - create a final dataframe
# - merge datasets if multiple inputs

# Create files needed by AutoClass.
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Reading data file 'demo_real_scalar.tsv' as 'real scalar' with error 0.01
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Detected encoding: ascii
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Found 300 rows and 2 columns
2019-07-07 19:07:11 DEBUG    Checking column names
2019-07-07 19:07:11 DEBUG    Index name 'name'
2019-07-07 19:07:11 DEBUG    Column name 'x'
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Checking data format
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Column 'x'
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     count    300.000000
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     mean       4.331423
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     std        1.316879
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     min        1.616267
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     50%        4.038210
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     max        7.776609
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     ---
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Reading data file 'demo_real_location.tsv' as 'real location' with error 0.01
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Detected encoding: ascii
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Found 300 rows and 2 columns
2019-07-07 19:07:11 DEBUG    Checking column names
2019-07-07 19:07:11 DEBUG    Index name 'name'
2019-07-07 19:07:11 DEBUG    Column name 'y'
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Checking data format
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Column 'y'
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     count    300.000000
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     mean       3.018801
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     std        2.263316
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     min       -1.607160
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     50%        3.882919
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     max        6.949139
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     ---
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Preparing input data
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Final dataframe has 300 lines and 3 columns
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Searching for missing values
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     No missing values found
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Writing autoclass.db2 file
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     If any, missing values will be encoded as '?'
2019-07-07 19:07:11 DEBUG    Writing autoclass.tsv file [for later use]
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Writing .hd2 file
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Writing .model file
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Writing .s-params file
2019-07-07 19:07:11 INFO     Writing .r-params file

Step 2 - prepare run script & run autoclass

The file autoclass-run-success is created if AutoClass C has run without any issue. Otherwise, the file autoclass-run-failure is created.

# Clean previous status file and results if a classification has already been performed.
!rm -f autoclass-run-* *.results-bin

# Search autoclass in path.

# Create object to run AutoClass.
run = wrapper.Run()

# Prepare run script.

# Run AutoClass.
2019-07-07 19:07:14 INFO     AutoClass C executable found in /home/pierre/.soft/bin/autoclass
2019-07-07 19:07:14 INFO     Writing run file
2019-07-07 19:07:14 INFO     AutoClass C executable found in /home/pierre/.soft/bin/autoclass
2019-07-07 19:07:14 INFO     AutoClass C version: AUTOCLASS C (version 3.3.6unx)
2019-07-07 19:07:14 INFO     Running clustering...

Step 3 - parse and format results

AutoClass C results are parsed and formated for an easier use :

  • .cdt: cluster data (CDT) files can be open with Java Treeview

  • .tsv: Tab-separated values (TSV) file can be easily open and process with Microsoft Excel, R, Python…

  • _stats.tsv: basic statistics for all classes

  • _dendrogram.png: figure with a dendrogram showing relationship between classes

Note that the \(n\) classes are numbered from 1 to \(n\).

Results are analyzed only when classification is completed.

timer = 0
step = 2
while not Path("autoclass-run-success").exists():
    timer += step
    sys.stdout.write(f"Time: {timer} sec.")

results = wrapper.Output()
Time: 2 sec.
2019-07-07 19:07:18 INFO     Extracting autoclass results
2019-07-07 19:07:18 INFO     Found 300 cases classified in 3 classes
2019-07-07 19:07:18 INFO     Aggregating input data
2019-07-07 19:07:18 INFO     Writing classes + probabilities .tsv file
2019-07-07 19:07:18 INFO     Writing .cdt file
2019-07-07 19:07:18 INFO     Writing .cdt file (with probabilities)
2019-07-07 19:07:18 INFO     Writing class statistics
2019-07-07 19:07:18 INFO     Writing dendrogram

The dendrogram exhibits relationship between classes.

Numbers in brakets are the number of cases (genes, proteins) in a class.

In the above plot, classes 1 and 3 are closer to each other than to class 2. Class 1 has 101 cases, class 3 has 99 and class 2 has 100.

Results exploration

All results are combined in *_out.tsv file.

In addition to the original data (columns name, x and y), the class assigned to a particular case (gene, protein) is given (main-class) along with its probability (main-class-proba). Probability to belong to all classes (class-x-proba) are also provided.

df_res = pd.read_csv("autoclass_out.tsv", sep="\t")
name x y main-class main-class-proba class-1-proba class-2-proba class-3-proba
0 id000 4.268207 4.857065 1 0.964 0.964 0.0 0.036
1 id001 3.079047 3.985566 1 1.000 1.000 0.0 0.000
2 id002 3.704671 4.374195 1 1.000 1.000 0.0 0.000
3 id003 2.681800 3.745056 1 1.000 1.000 0.0 0.000
4 id004 3.012738 3.704896 1 1.000 1.000 0.0 0.000
class_to_color = {1: "green",
                  2: "purple",
                  3: "gray",
                  4: "blue",
                  5: "orange",
                  6: "red"}
df_res["main-class"] = df_res["main-class"].replace(class_to_color)

Display classes

plt.scatter(df_res["x"], df_res["y"], color=df_res["main-class"], s=10)
plt.xlim(0, 10)
legend_elements = [Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color=value, label=str(key), markersize=8)
                   for key, value in class_to_color.items()]
plt.ylim(-5, 10);

Compare to original distribution

plt.scatter(df["x"], df["y"], color=df["color"], s=10)
plt.xlim(0, 10)
plt.ylim(-5, 10);

Slight differences could appear at the margin between groups of points but the overall groups are found.